Africrest Gates, Tanzania
Listed Since: January, 04th 2015
About: AFRICREST GATES LIMITED is the general supplier company, incorporated under the Company Ordinance CAP 212 and registered with the register of companies BRELA. The Company has its offices located in Dar es Salaam City, Bagamoyo Road, Tangi Bovu Area at Stanford House. The Company is owned by shareholders who constitute the Board of Directors and run by managing Directors, under whom are Directors and other personnel. AfriCrest GaTes Ltd was formed in 2013 as the general supplier company aiming to provide quality products, equipment and improved services as required and specified by bidders from different part of the country in a fast and easy way and at an affordable cost. Our philosophy from the outset has always been to offer our client with first class products and services.
Product(s): Products
Contact Information:
Address: 76712, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Telephone: 0757477272 / NA
Fax: NA