Mysute Ins.tur. Dan. Mum. Dis Tic Ltd Sti, Turkey
Listed Since: December, 18th 2013
About: Bluetiger is a innovative Non-toxic solution developed with theaim of reducing the impact of Nox emissions on diesel heavy vehicles. Bluetiger is an eco-friendly/ environmentally friendly product as well as it is safety which is not inflammable/flammable. The tanks/containers of Bluetiger&Adblue are made of a decent quality of plastic materials. The reason behind the using plastic as material is to prevent Bluetiger&Adbluefrom being damaged due to Alkaline consistency within the Non-toxic product.
Product(s): Adblue
Contact Information:
Address: Ordu St. Laleli, Istanbul, Turkey
Telephone: 0090 212 458 66 84 / NA
Fax: 0090 212 516 46 54