David Woods Timber Exporters Company Ltd, Congo
Listed Since: November, 10th 2011
About: DAVID WOOD TIMBER EXPORTERS COMPANY LTD is committed to responsible forest stewardship. DAVID WOOD TIMBER EXPORTERS COMPANY LTD owns and responsibly manages over 50,000 acres of pristine timberlands. This significant landholding represents a substantial commitment and investment. ITL takes personal responsibility for sustaining the timberlands, wildlife habitat and ecosystems in which we work, because a healthy forest and environment mean a healthy future for all of us.DAVID WOOD TIMBER EXPORTERS COMPANY LTD's commitment is substantiated. DAVID WOOD TIMBER EXPORTERS COMPANY LTD was one of the first hardwood sawmills to obtain Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification
Product(s): Timber
Contact Information:
Address: Plt 10, 12 Kibira, Mulwan Road David's Investment Building, Brazzaville, Congo
Telephone: 00242053356243 / NA
Fax: NA
Website: www.davidwoodtimberexporterscompanyltd.co.cc