Çam Hali A.s., Turkey
Listed Since: November, 02nd 2011
About: Founded in Isparta, which is the center of the art of weaving carpets, in 1949 Çam Carpet make a great contribution to development of the carpet industry. Since 1984, Çam Carpet proved oneself with high quality semi-worsted woolen yarn at national-international markets of axminster and tufted carpet manufacturers. We demand to establish long-term business relations with respectable companies and supply semi-worsted woolen yarn. We had already experience in exporting.
Product(s): Carpet Yarn Manufacturer
Contact Information:
Address: Çünür Mah. Süleyman Demirel Bul.102 Cad. No:197 P.K 32200, Isparta, Turkey
Telephone: +902462274141 / +905542983630
Fax: +902462274343
Website: www.camhali.com.tr