Tanseeq Llc, United Arab Emirates
Listed Since: February, 15th 2011
About: Tanseeq LLC was set up as a part of the Proscape Group, one of the leading companies with diverse activities that are focused on landscaping. It has within a short period of time established itself as a leading distributor of an extensive range of landscaping products covering the following core segments. Tanseeq markets a wide range of Landscaping products covering broad segments including Soft Landscaping, Hard Landscaping, Irrigation Systems, Pools/ Lakes/ Water Features, Street Furniture & Lighting.
Product(s): Landscaping Products
Contact Information:
Address: P.O.Box 28665, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: 097143415005 / 0505831301
Fax: NA
Website: www.tanseeqllc.com