Labo, Turkey
Listed Since: October, 05th 2016
About: Labo inc. produces high sensitive circulating water bath and laboratory test devices while serving in heating and cooling businesses by using its 32 year experience and know-how. Labo inc. provides to its customers the best way to take advantage of information technologies through its experienced staff's knowledge in the industry. Labo inc. also develops solutions to increase its customers' productivity and benefits. As marketing industry changes supply chain managers have to develop themselves. Producing good product is not enough by itself, but also it is necessary to deliver it in right time and condition. Refrigerated and heating circulator, -80C ultra low circulator, water bath, calibration bath, oil bath, ...manufacturer...
Product(s): Water Baths, Refrigerated And Heating Circulators, Calibration Baths, Viscocity Batshs, Chiller
Contact Information:
Address: Dudullu Osb Imes San Sit B205 Y.Dudullu Umraniye Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Telephone: +90 216 329 11 77 / NA
Fax: NA