Holiac Realty Pvt Ltd, India
Listed Since: August, 12th 2016
About: . Openness: We have an open culture of working, sharing and co-creating. Transparency: We work as a team and keep the relevant information flowing for best decisions. Empowerment: Every employee is empowered with an environment that fosters them to be at their best. Communication: The best way to share responsibly and stay committed is only possible through communication. Honesty & Ethics: Work like you are the customer and give what you expect in return. Care & Commitment: We are all one big family and can only grow with each other's growth. Sharing: We encourage sharing of issues, ideas, innovations, experiences that help all grow tall. Social responsibility: Adapt to the highest standards of environmental care, with best waste management and green energy practice
Product(s): Benson Town, Bangalore
Contact Information:
Address: 8C, Binny Crescent Apt, 16, Benson Cross Rd,, Bangalore, India
Telephone: 09845000107 / 09845000107
Fax: 09845000107
Website: www.holiac.com